DiscoverTED TechCan AI catch criminals at sea? | Dyhia Belhabib
Can AI catch criminals at sea? | Dyhia Belhabib

Can AI catch criminals at sea? | Dyhia Belhabib

Update: 2024-05-311


Dahia Bella Beade, an environmental scientist, has dedicated her career to combating ocean crime. She explains how the vastness and lawlessness of the open seas make it a haven for criminals, leading to a range of offenses including modern-day slavery, illegal fishing, drug trafficking, and even murder. She highlights the lack of visibility into the activities of most vessels, with only 2% being monitored. This lack of oversight allows criminals to operate with impunity, impacting communities on land through activities like money laundering and drug trafficking. To combat this, Beade and her team developed Hava, an AI investigator that uses 650,000 keyword combinations in 23 languages to identify criminal networks, ship routes, and locations. Hava has already been used to successfully identify and expose criminal activities, leading to the refusal of fishing licenses for Chinese vessels with criminal records and the uncovering of illegal fishing and labor offenses by Spanish companies. Beade emphasizes the importance of a human-centered approach to complement technology, highlighting the need for human understanding and engagement to effectively target criminals and protect our oceans.



This Chapter introduces the topic of ocean crime and its prevalence in the vast and lawless international waters. It highlights the challenges of monitoring and enforcing laws in these areas, leading to a breeding ground for various crimes, including modern-day slavery, illegal fishing, drug trafficking, and human trafficking.

Investigating Ocean Crime

This Chapter delves into Dahia Bella Beade's personal experience investigating ocean crime. She recounts her investigation of a Spanish-owned vessel suspected of illegal fishing, highlighting the deplorable conditions faced by the crew, which are indicative of forced labor. She emphasizes the widespread nature of ocean crime, citing various examples ranging from drunk driving to murder.

Hava: An AI Investigator

This Chapter introduces Hava, an AI investigator developed by Dahia Bella Beade and her partner. Hava utilizes 650,000 keyword combinations in 23 languages to identify criminal networks, ship routes, and locations. The program analyzes data from various sources, including press releases and Interpol notices, to build a comprehensive picture of criminal activity. Hava has been instrumental in exposing criminal activities, leading to the refusal of fishing licenses for Chinese vessels with criminal records and the uncovering of illegal fishing and labor offenses by Spanish companies.

Human-Centered Approach

This Chapter emphasizes the importance of a human-centered approach to complement technology in combating ocean crime. Beade argues that while technology is powerful, it lacks the nuanced understanding and knowledge that humans possess. She highlights the need for human interaction and engagement to effectively target criminals and protect our oceans.


Ocean Crime

Illegal activities that occur in the oceans, including but not limited to illegal fishing, drug trafficking, human trafficking, piracy, and environmental crimes. These crimes are often difficult to detect and prosecute due to the vastness and lawlessness of the open seas.


An AI investigator developed by Dahia Bella Beade and her partner to combat ocean crime. Hava uses 650,000 keyword combinations in 23 languages to identify criminal networks, ship routes, and locations. It analyzes data from various sources, including press releases and Interpol notices, to build a comprehensive picture of criminal activity.

Modern-Day Slavery

A form of forced labor where individuals are exploited and deprived of their basic rights. In the context of ocean crime, this often involves forced labor on fishing vessels, where workers are subjected to inhumane conditions and denied fair wages.

Illegal Fishing

Fishing activities that violate national or international regulations, often leading to overfishing, depletion of fish stocks, and damage to marine ecosystems. Illegal fishing practices can also involve forced labor and human trafficking.

Drug Trafficking

The illegal trade of drugs, often involving smuggling and distribution across international borders. Ocean crime plays a significant role in drug trafficking, with vessels used to transport drugs from source countries to destination markets.

Human Trafficking

The illegal trade of human beings for exploitation, often involving forced labor, sexual exploitation, or other forms of abuse. Human trafficking can occur in various contexts, including on fishing vessels, where individuals are lured into forced labor under false pretenses.


Artificial intelligence, a branch of computer science that deals with the creation of intelligent agents, which are systems that can reason, learn, and act autonomously. AI is increasingly being used in various fields, including law enforcement, to analyze data, identify patterns, and predict criminal activity.

Ted Talk

A series of short, powerful talks delivered by experts in various fields. Ted Talks are designed to share ideas and inspire audiences, covering a wide range of topics, including technology, science, business, and the arts.

Ted Tech

A podcast that explores the intersection of technology and science, featuring interviews with experts and discussions on cutting-edge innovations. Ted Tech is part of the TED Audio Collective, a collection of podcasts that delve into various aspects of the TED universe.


  • What are some of the challenges in combating ocean crime?

    The vastness and lawlessness of the open seas make it difficult to monitor and enforce laws, creating a haven for criminals. The lack of visibility into the activities of most vessels, with only 2% being monitored, allows criminals to operate with impunity.

  • What is Hava and how does it work?

    Hava is an AI investigator developed by Dahia Bella Beade and her partner. It uses 650,000 keyword combinations in 23 languages to identify criminal networks, ship routes, and locations. Hava analyzes data from various sources, including press releases and Interpol notices, to build a comprehensive picture of criminal activity.

  • How has Hava been used to combat ocean crime?

    Hava has been instrumental in exposing criminal activities, leading to the refusal of fishing licenses for Chinese vessels with criminal records and the uncovering of illegal fishing and labor offenses by Spanish companies.

  • Why is a human-centered approach important in combating ocean crime?

    While technology is powerful, it lacks the nuanced understanding and knowledge that humans possess. Human interaction and engagement are crucial to effectively target criminals and protect our oceans.

  • What are some examples of ocean crimes?

    Ocean crimes include illegal fishing, drug trafficking, human trafficking, piracy, and environmental crimes. These crimes are often difficult to detect and prosecute due to the vastness and lawlessness of the open seas.

  • How does ocean crime impact communities on land?

    Ocean crime can have significant impacts on communities on land, including money laundering, drug trafficking, and the exploitation of labor.

  • What are some of the consequences of illegal fishing?

    Illegal fishing can lead to overfishing, depletion of fish stocks, and damage to marine ecosystems. It can also involve forced labor and human trafficking.

  • What are some of the challenges in combating drug trafficking at sea?

    Drug trafficking at sea is often difficult to detect and prosecute due to the vastness of the oceans and the sophisticated methods used by criminals. The lack of visibility into the activities of most vessels makes it challenging to track drug shipments.

  • What are some of the ways that technology can be used to combat ocean crime?

    Technology can be used to track vessels, analyze data, identify patterns, and predict criminal activity. AI investigators like Hava can help to identify criminal networks, ship routes, and locations.

Show Notes

Can AI help catch oceanic outlaws? From drug smugglers to modern-day pirates, maritime crime fighter Dyhia Belhabib introduces Heva: an AI-powered tool that aggregates international criminal records to detect and stop crime that might otherwise get swept away in the tide. After the talk, Sherrell dives deeper into how technology can help us keep our oceans safe. 

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Can AI catch criminals at sea? | Dyhia Belhabib

Can AI catch criminals at sea? | Dyhia Belhabib